Sunday 6 December 2009

Loss and Poetry

Yesterday, I posted some sad news, the loss of an old friend and in such a tragic way. I had lots of comments but one in particular from someone who has experienced a recent loss.

I lost my big brother 19 years ago in a car crash, he was only 25. Not a day goes by without me thinking of him and most days they are good and happy thoughts. Occasionally though something will trigger me off and my heart breaks all over again.

With the losses I have experienced in life, I have always turned to poetry. Indeed, I sent one of my favourite poems to a cancer fighter carer who had just lost his wife to cancer as part of the Spirit Jump programme and I was overwhelmed by the reply I received from the gentlemans daughter who told me that once her father had read the poem, he was able to open up and grieve.

I want to share the poems with you.

Indian Prayer (Anon)

When I am dead
Cry for me a little
Think of me sometimes
But not too much.
Think of me now and again
As I was in life
At some moments, it's pleasnat to recall
But not for long.
Leave me in peace
And while you live
Let your thoughts be with the living

Farewell by Anne Bronte

Farewell to Thee! But not farewell
To all my fondest thoughs of Thee;
Within my heart they still shall dwell
And they shall cheer and comfort me.

Life seems more sweet that Thou didst live
And men more true that Thou wert one;
Nothing is lost that Thou didst give
Nothing Destroyed that Thou hast done.


  1. They are beautiful. I'm sorry to hear of your sad news.

  2. They are beautiful dear Sara, just like you. Sadness and loss are inevitable.


  3. Beautiful choices Sara and there is just something about the poetry of words that can help to console us and to give us peace.

  4. the poems are so beautiful. Thank God for memories and happy times.


I value each and every comment left, they keep me going and give me strength!