Thursday, 13 August 2009

Orphan the Movie and PIZZA

Last night, as the children were staying over at my mums house, we took the opportunity to go to the pictures to see ORPHAN. I love a good horror movie and this was brilliant. It was scarey, tense and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the showing. It was a great film to take my mind off chemo tomorrow. Much better than sitting at home worrying about things I can't control!

We went to Franky's and Bennys for supper afterwards and even though I need to lose weight, I thought "what the heck" and ordered a glass of red wine with a California Pizza. Basically it was a thin crust pizza with chicken, ham and salsa topping - devine!!!

I didn't phone to check on the children because Harry has a habit of suddenly turning from a happy child to a miserable one in a second, asking to come home, pulling on those big heart strings of mine. Harry knows exactly how to play me, my mum always says "he plays you like a fine violin!" - she is right!

Joe on the other hand is my sunshine boy, always happy, always smiling and always reassuring, a great boy. He is so kind, thoughtful and logical, he would always put my mind at rest. Anyhow, I know that they are in good hands, having midnight feasts, late night explorations to the park land, playing "pooh sticks" on the bridge.....

So...... chemo today.

Numbing gel smeared all over my hands...... plastics doctor gloves on....... and pray, pray, pray with all my heart those veins come up today!


  1. Good luck on your treatment today!
    Naomi really Liked "Orphan".

  2. Oh Sara, I dreaded chemo and kept Bill from leaving the house by dragging my feet doing chores and whatnot :) He just patiently waited until I got it together. I swear, I was never on time - not once! The nurses were so understanding because I cried my way through most of my treatment.

    Your boys sound delightful! You know, they really are a balm and the true reason you're doing what you're doing. This will make you strong in ways you can't imagine.

    My prayers are with you for your treatment.


  3. Thinking of you during treatment, hope all goes smoothly. My doctor gave me ativan (anti-anxiety) to take before going in for the chemo treatment since I was getting myself all worked up dreading it...

  4. Hoping you are well and that chemo goes well for you

  5. Today did go well but I truly believe it is because all of you guys were thinking of me and sending me positive vibes, it works! The nurses were fab, even though I put numbing cream on before hand they froze my hand with spray before canulising and it didnt hurt too much. Apparently my veins are really hard now which is why it hurts so much. Thank you to all my friendsx

  6. Hope chemo goes well and that this cycle goes easy for you.


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