Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs, Rabbits, Dogs

Above: Pickles thinks its time for a groom (she hates it!)

As I type, I am dodging Pickles as she tries her best to steal my cup of tea! She has already had her cup of tea this morning but one is never enough. So, as I type, she jumps up on the chair next to me and I have to move my cup from one place to the next!
Above: Wilbur, such a soft boy!

Mmmmm, this morning was NOT a good morning to be a dog owner! I entered the room only to find that Wilbur had a dicky tummy during the night. The girls (Pickles & Poppy) were subdued and looked thoroughly disgusted as I set about cleaning up the mess. Wilbur??? No shame!!!

Above: Harry and Poppy

I love the picture above not because of its beauty or technical what ever but just the message it gives out "a boy and his dog".

Above: Harry holding a blurred Bramble

I have three rabbits called Ralph, Bramble and Duffy. The fourth, Snuggles is out on loan to my friends daughter and is companion to her own little rabbit called Albert.

Poor old Duffy Rabbit has no tail! I had her and Bramble as a pair from a rescue centre and they are mother and daughter. I couldn't work out why she looked so different until the realisation dawned on me. She is such a sweetie!

Above: Poppy in one of her sunbathing positions in my garden

I decided to share my animals with you today because they are my life, my family, they, in their own "mute" way, are my rocks too. They provide me with normality and fun through this very difficult year. Like children, they need to be cared for and caring for them stops me from wallowing in self pity.

Above: Pickles and Wilbur surveying their kingdom

Yes, dogs are hard work. My doors are smeared with paw prints, the laminate floor is scattered with leaves and more paw prints..... but..... I wouldn't swap it for the world. I could have a posh home but my home is filled with life and love and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thank you Pickles, Wilbur and Poppy (and the rabbits and guineapigs) for keeping me going this year xxxxx

Above: Pickles guarding "her" place on the sofa!

Above: Poppy loves to dig for MOLES!


  1. You pets are adorable! I can understand how you feel about them as our lab as been important to me during my recovery from surgery and chemo as well. He's supposed to be my son's dog but he hangs more around me than my son. He will come to me to be taken out....except when I was sick. He could sense it and went to my husband to be taken out instead of me. He was extremely gentle with me during my illness.

  2. Love the picture of Harry and Poppy - something about the way it's the back of them, and the scenery around them - just lovely!!

  3. thanks ever so much for sharing your pets with us.. I adore all animals..and never get fed up of reading about them.

    hope Wilburs feeling ok now.. poor thing xx

  4. As a fellow animal lover, I agree 100%. We get so much from our relationship with our pets, more than their care would ever cost us.

    Love that "boy and his dog" photo!

  5. Such cute doggies with such expressive faces! I'm sure they keep you amused (excepting for the accident this morning)

  6. Pets are our rocks too..They sense we need them through difficult times. I am still searching for a cat and maybe a small dog.
    The photos were adorable. Thanks for sharing....

    Alli xx

  7. I don't know where I'd be without my dog ...


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