Saturday, 6 March 2010



I look down at my scars..................................

and for the briefest of moments.....................................

I wonder....... "how did they get there?"

I feel like it has been a dream

How can cancer have happened to me?


  1. Will you believe me when I tell you that this will pass too? You are only one year's still fresh and you are now in the state of "processing" it all. For the year, you were going through everything that needed to be done and working on "auto pilot". You are still in treatment and getting back to your life that you "stopped" living for a bit. The processing is good -- it helps you put it all into perspective and to gauge have far you've come in one year. Down the road you'll look at the scars and think "well, that was something I did and did it well. Look at me now." and you'll stop thinking "how did cancer happen to me" and with luck say "what a gift I was given." That's my hope for you -- to be where I am as I head into being able to say in May -- I made it to 5 years!! xoxoxox

  2. Those scars have saved your life....I too have looked and wondered how this happened to me. It was such an invasion and I felt my body let me down....oh the following year was rough but here I am almost 8 years later being able to smile as say I am here, I beat cancer. I have learned more from my scars than a lifetime of living could teach me. Be well my friend, be proud of who you are, where you came from and where you are going..........:-) Hugs

  3. Dear Sara, you are right where you are supposed to be. I know that sounds harsh, but you will understand soon. All the universe is rooting for you. I have had 5 lumpectomies. 3 in one breast and 2 in the other. I am still watching and fighting, One MD wanted to do bilateral mastectomies but 2 out of 3 said no. So I am 72 and breathing deeply. No cancer yet, but still cautious. Breathe deeply and know that you are loved.

  4. Our dad had a heart transplant 5 years ago and he still does the same thing. He feels very thankful that he is alive.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. I look at my scars and weep sometimes. Yes they mean I am still here, but I dont have to like them or what they represent

  6. Funny. It has up to this point, anyway, seemed like a dream, almost. But a couple days I was toweling off and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and I did not flinch. I was not surprised. Somehow, they have simply become a part of me, like my gray hair, or the lines on my face...

  7. Mine is ovarian and I seldom ever notice my scar, a long vertical line that took 43 staples to close. A year has passed and the shock along with it. What a trip this has been!

  8. Keep on living - keep on dreaming.

  9. I wonder the same thing sometimes ... how could this be happening?

  10. I wish I could say it was a bad dream, and that it didn't really happen...I am hoping that my scars teach me some lesson that will make me a better person...for now, I just see scars...


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