Friday, 20 March 2009

Waiting for first chemo session

It is 11.24 am and I am trying to keep myself occupied. I have my first chemo session today at 1.30pm and I am so scared. Here I am, lieing on my bed with my lap top. I have put old underwear on and a black t-shirt because the chemo I am having is red and I have been told that I may "sweat" red and don't want to ruin any nice underwear or clothes.

As I type this, I can feel my heart racing and my tummy is doing butterflies.

My friend gave me a tiny "Pawly Bear" today and its going to be my good luck charm! I have decided that when I have my chemo I am going to keep my mantra going "Cancer Ain't Gonna Beat Me". Everytime I feel low, I am going to keep my mantra going.

I will let you know how I get on.

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